Paradigm clash: Theory of Evolution versus Intelligent Design Theory
complexity, design, evolution, intelligent, paradigmAbstract
This manuscript is a synthetic outline of Darwinian evolutionary theory and the theory of intelligent design, specifically regarding the clash of scientific paradigms it represents. We are well aware that this is a widely discussed topic. However, we maintain that debates on the subject have not yet concluded. Thus, the essay aims to critically uncover the misconceptions or errors of the theory of evolution and, likewise, highlight the main arguments of the intelligent design theory. The subject is explained from a philosophical, theological, and scientific perspective to elucidate the paradigm clash, which is the central proposal of the essay. It involves creating a philosophy of biology, that is, analyzing biological, genetic, and chemical ideas and concepts about life from their complexity. We conclude that, as a consequence of this paradigm clash, the theory of evolution is in crisis due to the siege, questioning, and problematization presented by the intelligent design theory. While it is true that this stance is not accepted by the scientific community as such, there is still an academic remnant that proposes and defends it, especially on the philosophical level.
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