Social challenge of educational competencies in physical education, primary and secondary levels, Dominican Republic
fundamental competencies, specific competencies, Dominican curriculum, physical educationAbstract
The text sought to analyze the social challenge of educational competencies in physical education, primary and secondary levels, Dominican Republic. It highlights the levels and degrees of knowledge through the contents in a transversal way. The fundamental and specific competences give light to the areas of knowledge, obey the abilities that students must obtain guided by the macro competences, keeping a close relationship with the curriculum in terms of learning. The framed references come from the inquiries related to the contents and specific competencies of physical education in the Dominican Republic. They obey the objective of leading the student to be aware of the care of his body and that of others, being the protagonist of his own learning. The topics addressed are cause for reflection, it must be ensured that the contents and skills go hand in hand in the teaching and learning process. The fundamental and specific competences in physical education are skills and knowledge that students must acquire in this discipline. These competencies cover different aspects, such as the development of motor skills, the promotion of physical activity, the understanding of concepts related to physical education, the promotion of health and well-being, participation in recreational and sports activities, and the development of social and emotional skills. The acquisition of these skills allows students to actively participate in physical activities, promoting their comprehensive development and adopting healthy lifestyles.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Miguel Bennasar-García, Yusefy Ramírez-Rodríguez, Rosanna Capellán-Caraballo
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