President Juan Orlando Hernández's discursive fallacies in his brother Antonio “Tony” Hernández's drug court trial




ACD, Narco-Estado hondurenho, Juízo do irmão do Presidente de Honduras, falácias discursivas, Juan Orlando Hernández


Tony Hernández's judgment is probably the most important moment in Honduran political history, as it is the first time a Honduran politician has been prosecuted. Moreover, with this judgment it shows all the corruption that afflicts the institutionality of that country: the own brother of the President of the nation was prosecuted and found guilty of drug trafficking, whether organized crime reached the deepest state as the Executive Power. The study, through Critical Discourse Analysis, addresses the discursive ways in which President Hernández tried to defend himself and even justify his brother's judgment.

Author Biography

  • Ariel Amador Valdez, National Autonomous University of Honduras

    Licenciado em Letras pela Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), e mestrando em Ciências Humanas pela Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA).


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How to Cite

President Juan Orlando Hernández’s discursive fallacies in his brother Antonio “Tony” Hernández’s drug court trial. (2021). Revista Revoluciones, 3(3), 14-26.

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