Teaching participation in the planning of school management of Secondary Educational Institutions in the field of UGEL Crucero





Teacher participation, school management planning, education


The purpose of the article is to specify variables that allow determining how the participation of teachers influences the planning of school management. Since school management planning seeks to respond to the real needs of educational institutions and to be a motivating entity and internal dynamism of educational activities. It is a basic, quantitative, descriptive - explanatory research. The research population includes teachers from the 16 secondary educational institutions of the UGEL Crucero. For whose data collection the survey was applied for the two variables. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics through frequency and percentage. The results allow us to affirm the existence of a significant influence on the participation of teachers in the planning of school management, this being the backbone of the success of an Educational Institution. Therefore, it is recommended that all the institutions involved consider the guidelines for action proposed in the study, to strengthen teacher participation and get involved in planning the school management of educational institutions.

Author Biography

  • Filomeno Ramos-Huacantara, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Perú

    Magister en Administración de la Educación, fue docente en distintas instituciones educativas de la Región Puno, también se desempeñó como docente en la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, es docente formador de la DIFODS-Minedu. Capacitador en el marco de la implementación del Nuevo Currículo Nacional de Educación Básica.


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How to Cite

Teaching participation in the planning of school management of Secondary Educational Institutions in the field of UGEL Crucero. (2019). Revista Revoluciones, 1(1), 56-70. https://doi.org/10.35622/j.rr.2019.01.006

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