The new movements of the political and politics in times of the end of the world




Política, despolitización, izquierda, antagonismo, siglo XXI


The present document emerges as an attempt to ask a general question in the face of the contemporary political situation. It proposes to think of our historical evolution as an imminently politicized period in the history of humanity. However, with the advent and often increasing use of the concept of depoliticization, the current nuances become confusing. The aim of this paper was to think about the concepts on which current debates revolve. From that place, approaches to concepts such as politics, politician, left, right and depoliticization are generated to finally be superficially linked to the scenario of the State of Chile.

Author Biography

  • Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Universidad de los Lagos, Chile

    Escritora y ensayista por la Universidad de Los Lagos. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales. Osorno, Chile. Columnista y colaboradora en Le Monde Diplomatique Edición Chilena. Colaboradora en la Asociación Chilena de Revistas Científicas de Psicología. Asistente editorial en Revista Cuadernos de Neuropsicología - Panamerican Journal of Neuropsychology. Ha participado y dirigido convocatorias nacionales en el campo de la psicología chilena. Cuenta con variadas publicaciones nacionales e internacionales, abordando temáticas de diferentes campos, entre ellos la investigación científica, el psicoanálisis, la filosofía y la política.


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How to Cite

Barria-Asenjo, N. A. (2021). The new movements of the political and politics in times of the end of the world. Revista Revoluciones, 3(6), 7-14.