Water Huachicoleo in Ecatepec: Subaltern Resistance and the Challenge to Water Clientelism
Water stress, Hydrosocial cycle, Water clientelism, Water huachicoleo (illegal tapping)Abstract
This study aimed to analyze water theft in Ecatepec as a form of resistance to clientelist control of the resource in a context of water scarcity and precariousness. Qualitative research was carried out that included semi-structured interviews with residents, community leaders and workers related to informal distribution, in addition to participant observations in key neighborhoods. To complement and update the information, a newspaper review of news articles was conducted. The results showed that the illegal extraction and sale of water were not limited to isolated criminal actions, but functioned as expressions of subaltern appropriation in the face of institutional and clientelist networks that restricted access to the liquid. At the same time, it was observed that these practices generated internal tensions and reproduced new inequalities within the communities. These findings showed the need to rethink water governance from citizen participation and transparency in management, since criminalization without addressing structural causes reinforced exclusion. It was concluded that the incorporation of collective solutions and the recognition of subaltern dynamics were fundamental elements to achieve a more equitable distribution of water.
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